News at The Spanish Study
Read below about news and updates at The Spanish Study
Excerpt from newsletter 01/16/2023
In order to conjugate a Spanish verb correctly you often need to be able to remember the infinitive of the verb.
This is now a part of the exercises as the infinitive is now hidden, substituted with the graphic [verb].
If you have trouble remembering the infinitive you just click on [verb] to have it displayed.
Under settings (  ) you can choose what to hide in the exercises:
If you have both hide translations and hide infinitive turned on the exercise will look like this:
- and your memory will be challenged to come up with all of it.
Try different settings and see where you gain the most.
Excerpt from newsletter 11/15/2022
We know from your feedback (thanks!) that the translations of the vocab in the exercises are of great help.
We will, however, be hiding them now... by replacing the translations with question marks.
Like this:
And why is that?
The idea is to force you brain to search for the meaning of the Spanish words in your memory instead of letting the eyes look for at written translation. In other words the purpose is to work out your memory a bit more. :-)
Should you - in the end - need help with an Spanish word, you just click on the question mark to have the translation displayed.
Please note: On a computer you can hit the [arrow up]-key instead of clicking the question marks to have all translations displayed at once.
If the key does not work, please put the cursor in the answer field and try again.
If you prefer to keep the translations displayed at all times, please go to settings (  ) and turn off hide translations.
Hide translations is deactivated in demo mode.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/05/2022
This newsletter is to inform you of some improvements that we have just added to The Spanish Study.
Improved design on the exercises
The most important changes are found on the computer version.
Here the design on a number of exercises has been changed to look like this:
As you can see the input field has been replaced in the exercise by the graphics [...], and the field is now places under the exercise.
After entering you answer and clicking the check button the correct answer is displayed along with a next button. You then click this button in order to proceed:
Please note: You can hit the enter key on your keyboard instead of clicking on check and next.
The purpose of these changes is to keep the screen display as calm as possible as you practise.
We hope you will like it!
You can remove the next button if you prefer yo practise without it and move directly to the next exercise. This is done by opening the settings (  ) and switching the setting to off:
That's it for now!
Please reload the page in your browser (press Ctrl+F5) for all changes to take place.
Excerpt from newsletter 11/16/2021
Today we are introducing a completely new feature: lookups
There are two new, great functions. Please try them out. :-)
Look up a verb
There are a lot of conjugations in Spanish, and sometimes it can be difficult to recognize the conjugation of a given word, or to be sure of which person it is...or even which verb.
What about mandé? Or vendiera, sepa, quiso?
Now you can easily look it up, as in these examples with hice and hable:
(él/ella/Ud) hable
presente subj
(yo) hable
(él/ella/Ud) hable
EN: talk
show all conjugations
As shown above you are given the verb and all matching conjugations and persons as well as a translation og the verb.
Click on show all conjugations to get to a table of all conjugations of the verb.
In the table you have access to all audio available (click on the words in blue).
You can also use the table for practicing: Try to memorize one or more conjugations in the table, check them and hit the Test me in checked conjugations-button.
At the moment the system holds 417 verbs (more than 24.000 entry words).
Look up audio
How do you pronounce mujer? Or señalar?
And what about registro, calcetines or perro?
Now you can look it up!
You have access to the entire audio database holding more that 8000 words and expressions.
Try out the new look up-features
Excerpt from newsletter 11/02/2021
Today we are releasing a large expansion of the QUIZ function at The Spanish Study:
You can now include all grammatical topics in your quiz!
Try it out now
You choose yourself which topics to include:
Indefinite article
una casa
Definite article
el teléfono
las familias
The inflexions of the nouns
una amiga - dos amigas
el niño - los niños
Nouns and adjectives
(rojo) la bicicleta roja
el chico pequeño - los chicos pequeños
(pl) casa, grande - las casas grandes
Accusative and dative pronouns
¿me sientes? - sí, te siento
¿envías la invitación a Diego? - sí, le envío la invitación
¿nos das una mano? - sí, os doy una mano
¿te gusta la paella? - sí, me gusta mucho
¿qué piensa Diego de los niños? - no le gustan
The questions in the quiz are based on your own settings under the menu grammar, and you therefore have full control of the level of difficulty and the type of questions included. Furthermore you can mix verb- and grammar questions as you please.
Create and save multible quiz games
As a default the name of your quiz is my standard. But you can create as many games with different settings as you like and then toggle between them easily. Click on the black arrow next to my standard to create a new quiz.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/04/2021
Many of you have requested exercises on the Spanish verb
- and we are happy now to be able to meet your request!
Today we are releasing a feature with two types of exercises:
You have full control of the level of difficulty of the exercises and can proceed at your own pace.
Read more about the possibilities and try out the exercises on this demo page.
You will find the exercises under the grammar section.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/20/2021
How do you say window seat or boarding pass in Spanish?
And how do you ask: Is this seat free?
Test yourself with our new word list and learn a lot of useful travel expressions!
New word list
You will find it here under word lists.
The list holds 99 Spanish words and expressions - with audio!
English |
Spanish |
suitcase |
maleta |
time of departure |
hora de salida |
hand luggage |
equipaje de mano |
waiting room |
sala de espera |
bagage claim |
recogida de equipajes |
How to increase your vocabulary
Practising new words can be highly efficient - and even fun!
Here are some good advice:
Always adapt the word list you are working with including only 5-10 new words at a time (click on adapt)
Vary the way you practice by shifting between mode settings
1-2, 2-1
Choose one of these settings to practice from English to Spanish or vice versa
Let go of the writing and sharpen your ears!
Improve your spelling! This will help you to remember the words as well.
Add difficult words to the repeat fuction as you go along (click on +)
Try to beat your own score!
The more often you practice the better. Please note that you can access you exercises on your smartphone or your tablet as well and practice on the go. 10 minutes at a time is enough!
Excerpt from newsletter 01/25/2021
How do you say pencil in Spanish?
And what about pen?
Now you can learn a lot of new Spanish words related to the office.
New word list
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 50 Spanish words - all with audio.
English |
Spanish |
pencil |
lápiz (m) |
desk, writing desk |
escritorio, mesa de despacho |
envelope |
sobre (m) |
exercise book, notebook |
cuaderno |
... |
Test yourself and adapt the list at the same time
Please try this approach (login is required):
- Run through the list and click on '+' next to the words that you were not sure of. This will add them to a repetition list.
- When you are through the list click on repeat
- Finally click on save as adaption
After doing this only the words you added for repetition will be included in the list when running it in the future. You can always edit your choises by clicking on adapt.
Excerpt from newsletter 12/07/2020
We have just added a new word list with expressions to use at the pharmacy.
New word list
At the pharmacy
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 67 Spanish words and expessions - all with audio.
English |
Spanish |
it hurts |
duele |
I feel nauseous |
siento náuseas |
disinfectant |
medicamento desinfectante |
I have a cough |
tengo tos |
I have a cold |
estoy resfriado (-a), estoy constipado (-a) |
plaster, sticking plaster |
esparadrapo |
... |
Tip: You can practise both from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English
Excerpt from newsletter 11/15/2020
We have just added a new word list stuffed with useful restaurant related expressions!
New word list
At the restaurant
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 46 words and expessions - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
is there a table free? |
¿hay una mesa libre? |
can I see the menu? |
¿puedo ver el menú? |
I would like to order |
quisiera pedir la comida |
what can you recommend us? |
¿qué nos recomienda? |
nothing else |
nada más |
we would like to pay |
queremos pagar |
... |
Tip: Click on '+' to add words to repetition
Excerpt from newsletter 10/05/2020
We know from feedback from many of you (thanks!) how much the audio helps to get the pronunciation right and to remember the words.
We are therefore happy now to be able to offer audio on even more exercises.
When doing the grammar exercises you will now find audio on the glossary displayed right under each exercise.
This example is from an exercise on rewriting the expression in plural:
You just click on the glossary to hear the pronunciation.
Please note: Only words written in blue have audio. Not all words have audio.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/14/2020
Today we are launching a new feature!
When practising the conjugations of the verbs you can now increase the challenge by testing yourself on the meaning of the verb as well.
How it works is that the English translation of the verb is hidden and will only be shown when you click on the question mark:
When working on a computer you can hit the [arrow up] key instead of clicking on the question mark.
Please note:
By default this new feature is disabled.
Please do the following to turn it on:
Go to
Log in
Go to settings by clicking on the wheel at the top (
Turn hide translation of verb on (by clicking on off).
Excerpt from newsletter 09/01/2020
Is it time to pick up you Spanish studies again?
Below you will find inspiration on how to brush up your Spanish on The Spanish Study. Get an overview on these demo pages and try out different exercises!
Excerpt from newsletter 05/04/2020
We now have a new word list ready where you can pratise a large number of Spanish short words:
Short words
The list holds 156 words and expressions - all with audio.
Spanish |
English |
casi |
almost |
cómo |
how |
todavía |
still, yet |
a menudo |
often |
Tip: Choose the setting audio or dictation under mode to practise your ear or your spelling
You will find the word list here under the tab study.
We hope you will enjoy practising the Spanish short words!
Excerpt from newsletter 03/03/2020
We have just completed a large update of our audio database, and you will now on The Spanish Study find audio on 100 Spanish verbs in all conjugations.
Try out our exercises on the Spanish verbs, learn the conjugations and improve your pronunciation!
We hope, you will benefit from the update!
Excerpt from newsletter 01/13/2020
Today we have two pieces of news for you at The Spanish Study:
- New word list: sports
Learn a large number of words and expressions related to sports:
English | Spanish | match, game | partido, match (m) | handball | balonmano | team | equipo | win (verb) | ganar | ... | |
Tip: Also try the mode setting audio, where you will be practicing recognition by ear.
You will find the list here under the tab study
- More audio in imperfecto subj.
Once again we have updated our audio database, and you will now find audio on 100 verbs in imperfecto subj.
Excerpt from newsletter 11/25/2019
We are happy to be able to present yet another extension of the pronoun function: You can now practice the double object pronouns!
Double object pronouns
As with the accusative and dative pronouns, there are three types of exercises:
- doy el libro a Diego - se lo doy (replace)
- compras las cervezas a Lucia? - sí, se las compro (replace and answer)
- me llevas la chaqueta? - sí, te la llevo (replace and answer)
You also have the option to write verb as well as pronoun and practice both at the same time.
The exercises can be in presente, perfecto, condicional and futuro as in the following examples:
enseñas las reglas a las chicas? |
sí, se las enseño (presente) |
te han explicado la ley? |
No, no me la han explicado (perfecto) |
compraríais los cigarrillos a los chicos? |
no, no se los compraríamos (condicional) |
nos leerás el cuento? |
sí, os lo leeré (futuro) |
Please do the following to start practicing the double object pronouns:
- Go to
- Click on grammar and accusative and dative pronouns
- Check one or more types of exercises under double object pronouns
- Check one or more conjugations and, if desired, i write under verbs
- Click on Go!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/11/2019
We have completed yet another update of our audio database.
You will now find 100 Spanish verbs with audio in the following conjugations:
- presente subj.
- imperativo
Please go to this demo page to try out different verb exercises, hear audio examples and find inspiration on how to practice the Spanish verbs on The Spanish Study.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/01/2019
We recently launched exercises on a new grammatical topic: accusative and dative pronouns.
Today we are releasing an update of that tool which enables you to practice pronouns and verbs simultaneously!
Practice pronouns and verbs
You can now choose to write verb as well as pronoun in the answer.
The conjugtions available for these exercises are presente, perfecto, condicional and futuro, and you can work with them one at a time or mix them as in the examples below:
¿lleváis los regalos? | Sí, los llevamos | ¿venderás la bicicleta a Santiago? | No, no le venderé la bicicleta | ¿has leído la postal? | No, no la he leído | ¿nos ayudaríais? | Sí, os ayudaríamos |
To have this kind of exercises please do the following:
- go to accusative and dative pronouns under grammar
- choose type(s) of exercise(s)
- check the conjugations you wish to include
- check i write under verbs
Go to grammar - and try for yourself!
Excerpt from newsletter 10/01/2019
Today we are launching exercises on a new grammatical topic: The Spanish accusative and dative pronouns.
We are happy to finally be able to present this new tool and thereby meet a request from quite a lot of you. :-)
Spanish accusative and dative pronouns
The tool lets you choose type of pronoun, accusative or dative, as well as number, singular or plural.
There are three types of exercises (here accusative):
- compra el libro - lo compra
- ¿coméis los bocadillos? - sí, los comemos
- ¿nos sentís? - sí, os sentimos
In type 1 and 2 you practice the pronouns in the 3rd person: lo (le), la, los, las
In type 3 you practice the pronouns in the 1st and the 2nd person: me, te, nos, os
Likewise with the dative pronouns:
- paso el pan a Diego - le paso el pan
- ¿mandas la postal a Sofia? - sí, le mando la postal
- ¿te prepara la cena? - sí, me prepara la cena
You can focus on óne particular type of exercise at a time or choose more types simultaneously.
A piece of advice
When doing an exercise try to imagine a situation where the sentences could be said (just use your imagination). Then say the sentences out loud, both the question and the answer. This will help you to start using the pronouns in real life as well. :-)
Go to the grammar section - and start practicing the Spanish pronouns!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/17/2019
We know from your feedback (thanks!) that the audio is of great help when practicing the conjugations of the Spanish verbs.
Therefore we are happy to inform you that we will be updating our audio database in the coming weeks, starting today with a large update on the following conjugations:
Both conjugations now have 100 verbs with full audio!
We hope you will benefit from the update.
Please go to this demo page to try out different verb exercises, hear audio examples and find inspiration on how to practice the Spanish verbs on The Spanish Study.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/03/2019
Below you will find a list of demo pages where you can find inspiration on how to brush up your Spanish on The Spanish Study. Get an overview and try out different exercises!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/19/2018
How do you say to the right or to the left in Spanish?
Learn both - and a number of other useful expressions - with our new word list: Which way?
English | Spanish | up | arriba | straight ahead | todo recto, todo derecho | to the left | a la izquierda | along the river | a lo largo del río |
There is audio on all expressions!
Tip: Click on '+' to add words to repetition
Excerpt from newsletter 11/11/2018
How do you say next to the house or opposite the church in Spanish?
Try out our new word list and learn more than 30 useful Spanish expressions answering the question where?
New word list: Where?
English | Spanish | close to the station | cerca de la estación | outside | fuera, afuera | behind the door | detrás de la puerta | on the corner | en la esquina |
There is audio on all expressions!
Tip: Choose audio under mode to practice recognition by ear!
Excerpt from newsletter 11/04/2018
We now have a new word list ready for you focusing on Spanish time expressions:
how often?
This list contains a number of typical answers to the question how often?
English | Spanish | every day | todos los días, cada día | once a day | una vez al día | often | a menudo, frecuentemente | every two weeks | cada dos semanas |
There is audio for all expressions!
You will find the lists here under the tab study .
Tip: When opening a word list for the first time, you will be asked to choose which words to include. You can always edit your choices later by clicking on adapt
Tip: Make use of the repeat function (click on +)
Tip: Practice both to and from Spanish (1 -2, 2 - 1)
Also try out the word list when?, where you can learn expressions such as
English | Spanish | in two hours | dentro de dos horas | later | más tarde | tomorrow | mañana | three days ago | hace tres días |
We hope the above lists will help you learn the Spanish time expressions!
Excerpt from newsletter 09/18/2018
We have just implemented a large update of The Spanish Study - we hope you will enjoy it! :-)
Below you will find a presentation of a few of the new features:
That verb... how does it go...?
Do you know the feeling of being totally blank when challenged to conjugate a Spanish verb? This new feature enables you to have a peek at the conjugation before trying yourself. You just click on the three lines:
Please note: You can disable this feature under settings (  ).
Easy editing of verb lists and quiz
When editing a verb list like for example presente, you can now choose between having all verbs listed or only the chosen verbs. The latter option gives you a quick overview of the verbs on the list and makes it easy for you to deselect:
You will find the same options under quiz.
Initial adaption of word lists
When starting working with a new word list you will now initially be asked to adapt the list by choosing the words you wish to include. This will only happen the first time you open a list. You can always change your settings later by clicking on adapt.
That was some of the new features - you will find more on the site. :-)
Excerpt from newsletter 03/18/2018
Did you know that you can access The Spanish Study on smartphone and tablet? And add a shortcut icon to your home screen?
Please read on for further information!
Access on smartphone and tablet
The Spanish Study is a website where the pages automatically adapt to the screen size of your device. This means that you will see a version tailored for your screen no matter if you log on from a computer, a smartphone or a tablet.
On alle devices you just need to:
Internet access is required.
Your settings are saved on our server and are available from all devices. This means that you can change from one device to another during the day without any loss of settings.
Add a shortcut icon to your home screen
You can add an icon to your home screen for easy and fast access – just as you would with an app.
Learn how to do this
Excerpt from newsletter 03/05/2018
Would you like to improve your Spanish spelling?
We now have a new tool ready that will help you get it right! :-)
You can now use the word lists for Spanish dictation! You will find dictation below the other options under mode:
The Spanish word will then be played back and you will be challenged to spell what you hear:
Tip: Click on the audio symbol  to have the audio repeated.
Tip: Repeat the word out loud before spelling. In this way you will preactice your pronunciation as well, and you will become more aware of the relation of pronunciation and writing.
Tip: Adapt the list before practicing.
Excerpt from newsletter 02/04/2018
When practicing with new words in The Spanish Study both the writing and the audio will help you recognize the Spanish word and recall the meaning of it.
When talking to a Spanish person in real life your brain will have to make sense of the words from the audio part alone. To imitate this we have added a new function to the word lists that will allow you to practice only by ear.
We call this new function audio, and you will find it along with the other mode settings:
In audio mode the writing is replaced by an audio symbol, and the word will be played back for you:
Try it out now:
- and sharpen your ears!
Excerpt from newsletter 01/09/2018
We now have a new word lists ready for you focusing on time expressions:
This list contains a number of typical answers to the question when?
English | Spanish | tomorrow | mañana | three days ago | hace tres días | last Saturday | el sábado pasado | always | siempre | in the morning | por la mañana |
Audio is available for all expressions!
You will find the list here under the bar study.
Tip: Start by adapting the list to make it fit your own needs ( adapt)
Tip: Make use of the repeat function (click on +)
Tip: Practice both to and from Spanish
Excerpt from newsletter 12/04/2017
Do you love eating out in Spain?
We have added a word list that will help you learn the names of selected fish and shellfish:
Fish and shellfish
The list contains more than 40 names for common fish and shellfish.
English | Spanish | scallops | vieiras | eel | anguila, congrio | lobster | langosta | anchovies | anchoas, boquerónes (m) | shrimps, prawns | gambas | ... | |
You will find the list here under the tab study.
Start by adapting the list to your own needs:
- log in
- click on the list
- click on adapt
Excerpt from newsletter 11/07/2017
How do you get started with the Spanish verbs? There are so many, and it can be difficult to decide where to start and how to proceed...
To meet this challenge we have developed a new function that will make things a lot easier. :-)
It makes good sense to learn the most frequent verbs, and it is important as well to be able to focus on the conjugations individually. You can now do both at the same time!
My verbs
When clicking on presente under My studio, My verbs, you will now see the following:
The bar above indicates that the verbs are arranged according to the conjugations (-ar, -er etc.) in presente. The new thing is that you can now have the verbs listed alphabetically or by frequency under each conjugation. Listing by frequency in presente looks like this:
When listing the verbs by frequency you then just start from the top of the conjugation(s) you are learning, and then you gradually work you way through the verbs.
Simple, right? :-)
Please note: The system will remember your verbs and help you stay on the right track.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/24/2017
Do you know the irregular participles of the Spanish verbs?
You can now learn a number of the most important ones with our new word list: Irreg. participles.
Audio is available for both infinitive and participle.
Irreg. participles
You will find the list here under vocabulary, studio.
The list holds 17 irregular Spanish participles:
infinitive |
participle |
hacer |
hecho |
decir |
dicho |
abrir |
abierto |
volver |
vuelto |
Tip: Translations of the infinitives are available
Tip: When audio playback is enabled a new button ( show) will pop up between the exercises. This is to prevent the simultaneous audio playback of both particible and the infinitive of the next exercise.
Excerpt from newsletter 09/05/2017
It's finally here!
We are happy to inform you that the 2.0 version of The Spanish Study has just been released. :-)
So, what's new?
We have given the design a good, general makeover.
Hopefully you will find it nicer and more user friendly.
Choose between different color schemes (hit the settings symbol
Brand new web apps for smartphones and tablets!
We have put a lot of work into a design suitable for the smaller screens and touch control.
Web apps for smartphones and tablets
To access The Spanish Study on your smartphone or your tablet you just go to the site through the browser. The site will automatically detect your device and direct you to the right version ( web app). Internet access is required.
Excerpt from newsletter 02/27/2017
We now have a new game ready for you!
This one has been underway for quite some time, and we are very happy to finally be able to present it to you. :-)
Doing a full conjugation of a Spanish verb is one thing. Another thing is to be able to come up with the right person of a verb in the right conjugation during conversation.
This aspect you can now practice in our new QUIZ! ( Let me try!)
The quiz is created on the basis of the verbs you have chosen under verbs, My study.
When playing you need to find the correct form of a verb in the person selected randomly by the system, ex:
You can stick to one conjugation or play with multible conjugations at the same time, like this:
You can also include across conjugations as well as verb lists created by you in the quiz!
Create and save multible quiz games
As a default the name of your quiz is my standard. But you can create as many games with different settings as you like and then toggle between them easily. Click on the black arrow next to my standard to create a new quiz.
Keep score
By enabling keep score on my page you can have the number of correct and wrong answers displayed during the game. :-)
How keep score works
Excerpt from newsletter 01/29/2017
We are happy to be able to present a brand new type of exercises. :-)
Now you can practice with the conjugations of nouns and adjectives!
The system offers three types of exercises:
Insert adjective
(nuevo) |
la casa nueva |
(joven) |
las señoritas jóvenes |
Change into plural
el coche blanco |
los coches blancos |
el chico pequeño |
los chicos pequeños |
Make expression
(pl) casa, grande |
las casas grandes |
(pl) jardín, famoso |
los jardines famosos |
You can practice the different types individually or mix them as you please. The system also allows you to choose which regular and irregular nouns and adjectives to include. In this way the exercises will always match your own level.
All exercises come with translations of the Spanish words.
Great, let me get started!
Control of accents
The system will check your accents.
If you wish to allow accent errors, you can do so on my page when you log in.
Excerpt from newsletter 11/07/2016
We know from your feedback (thanks!) that the audio is a great help when learning the conjugations. We are happy to inform you that audio is now available on 100 conjugations in imperfecto.
Learn the conjugations by ear
Follow the advice below and learn faster:
Make use of the audio!
Listen carefully to the audio and repeat the words out loud (close the door).
This will improve your pronunciation as well as help you remembering.
Let the system help you practice in a structured way
Choose your verbs under my study, my verbs. The system will remember your settings and help you staying on track.
Practicing with only a few new verbs at a time is far more efficient
Make use of all the tools
Also try out the functions across conjugations and question & answer. You will find them under my study, my verbs
The more often, the better
Many shorter sessions during the week is better than one long session. 10 minutes at a time is enough!
Please remember that you can practice on your smartphone and on your iPad as well.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/24/2016
The holidays have just begun and you have arrived to your favorite corner of Spain to the beautiful house you have rented for two weeks. Now you will need to make the household work - and for this purpose a few Spanish words could come in handy. :-)
New word list
Household goods
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 79 useful words - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
light bulb |
bombilla |
broom |
escoba |
draining rack, dish drainer |
escurreplatos (m) |
soap |
jabón (m) |
trash can, dustbin |
cubo de basura |
... |
Tip: Start by adapting the list including only the words you wish to learn:
- log in
- click on the word list
- click on adapt
- follow the instructions
Excerpt from newsletter 03/14/2016
Do you like to go shopping in Spain?
And do you know the word for shoe in Spanish? Or shirt?
Now you can practice the Spanish words for clothes!
New word list
You will find the list here under word lists.
With this list you can practice 74 Spanish words - all with audio.
English |
Spanish |
trousers |
pantalones (m) |
boots |
botas |
T-shirt |
camiseta, niqui (m) |
socks |
calcetines (m) |
hat |
sombrero |
... |
Tip: Make use of the audio feature and learn a lot faster! Listen to the pronunciation and then repeat the words out loud. :-)
Excerpt from newsletter 02/29/2016
One of the great things you can enjoy in Spain is the marvelous nature. :-)
We are happy to announce the release of our new word list related to nature. Learn to talk about landscapes and the things you see in nature!
New word list
NatureYou will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 49 Spanish words - all with audio.
English |
Spanish |
lake |
lago |
mountain |
montaña |
river |
río |
star |
estrella |
dawn |
alba, madrugada |
sunset |
puesta de sol |
... |
Tip: Start by clicking on adapt and choose the words you would like to learn. We recomand practicing with only 5-10 new words at a time.
Tip: Try practicing both to and from Spanish. Click on change direction.
Excerpt from newsletter 02/01/2016
How do you say I do the shopping in Spanish? Or I go for a walk? What about I take a nap?
Learn to talk about your everyday life in Spanish with our new word list: Everyday activities. :-)
How many expressions do you already know?
Try the new word list and learn a lot more!
New word list
Everyday activities
You will find the list here under word lists.
The list holds 77 useful everyday expressions - all with audio.
English |
Spanish |
I do my homework |
preparo mis deberes, hago mis deberes |
I change my clothes |
me cambio, me cambio de ropa |
I clean |
limpio, hago la limpieza |
I watch television |
veo la televisión, veo la tele |
... |
Tip: Say the words out loud!
We highly recommend that you say the words and expressions out loud when you are practicing. This will not only improve your pronunciation, it will also help you remember the words.
So close the door ;-) listen to Esther Serrano (our voice) and repeat the words out loud!
Excerpt from newsletter 01/24/2016
Test your knowledge and increase you Spanish vocabulary with our new word list: In the city
New word list
In the city
You will find the list here
It holds 83 useful Spanish words - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
shop, store |
tienda, almacén (m) |
stop, bus stop |
parada |
bridge |
puente (m) |
pavement, sidewalk |
acera |
building |
edificio |
etc. |
Excerpt from newsletter 11/23/2015
How do you say fork in Spanish?
What about bottle or plate?
Try out our new word list related to the kicthen and learn lots of useful words!
New word list
You will find the list here
The list holds 60 Spanish words, all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
knife |
cuchillo |
oven |
horno |
pot |
olla |
lavaplatos (m), lavavajillas (m) |
bottle opener |
abrebotellas (m) |
etc. |
Tip: Start by adapting the list:
- log in
- click on the word list
- click on adapt
- click on reset to unchoose all words
- check 5-10 words
- click on save adaption at the bottom
As you gradually learn the words, just click on adapt again and remove/add new words.
Excerpt from newsletter 10/04/2015
Do you know the Spanish adjectives for young, boring or cheap?
You can now learn the words above and a large number of other Spanish adjectives!
We have put a lot of work into this word list, and we are very excited to present it to you. :-)
New word list
You will find the list here
The list holds 174 Spanish adjectives, all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
ill, sick, unwell |
enfermo |
heavy |
pesado |
shut, closed |
cerrado |
strong |
fuerte |
fast, quick, rapid |
rápido, veloz |
out, turned off |
apagado |
etc. |
Getting started with the list
The list is very long, and the idea is that you start by picking out a smaller number of words. It only takes a few seconds and it will make your practicing much more efficient:
- log in
- click on the word list
- click on adapt
- click on reset to unchoose all words
- check the adjectives, you wish to practice with, for example 5-10 words
- click on save adaption at the bottom
As you gradually learn the words, just click on adapt again and remove/add new adjectives.
Excerpt from newsletter 02/22/2015
How do you say eye in Spanish? Or face...?
You can now learn a lot of new Spanish words related to the body. :-)
New word list
You will find the list here under word lists.
Practice with 50 Spanish words - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
head |
cabeza |
leg |
pierna |
nose |
nariz (f) |
neck |
cuello |
lip |
labio |
ear |
oreja |
mouth |
boca |
... |
Did you know...
- that you can adapt a list to make it fit your own needs? (click on the list, then adapt)
- that you can copy a list to My study and then edit it freely? (click on adapt, then copy to My study)
Excerpt from newsletter 01/27/2015
We are expanding our audio database, and we are happy to inform you that audio is now available for a lot more verbs in pretérito and futuro. :-)
See the 49 verbs and hear examples
Take advantage of the audio feature, and learn a lot faster!
When practicing the conjugation of the Spanish verbs we advise you to first listen to the pronunciation and then repeat the words out loud (close the door...).
By doing this you will not only improve your pronunciation, you will also be able to remember the conjugations much faster.
Excerpt from newsletter 01/11/2015
First of all we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year!
We are looking forward to this year where we will be releasing a number of new features, that we are working on right now. :-)
Do you know the Spanish words for toothbrush, shaving foam, towel...?
We now have a new word list related to the bathroom ready for you.
New word list
You will find the list here under word lists.
Practice with 50 words and expressions - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
shower |
ducha |
toothpaste |
pasta dentífrica, crema dental |
electric razor, shaver |
maquinilla eléctrica |
mirror |
espejo |
brush, hairbrush |
cepillo para los cabellos, cepillo |
toilet paper |
papel higiénico (m) |
soap |
jabón (m) |
... |
Tip: Adapt the list to make it fit your own needs
- Log in
- Click on bathroom under word lists
- Click on adapt
Excerpt from newsletter 11/23/2014
- You can now learn to talk about the weather in Spanish!
How do you say it is cold? Or it is cloudy?
- Learn condicional by ear! Audio is now available for the conjugations of 50 Spanish verbs.
New word list
The list holds 43 Spanish words and expressions - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
it is warm |
hace calor |
cloud |
nube (f) |
it is nice weather |
hace buen tiempo |
it is dark |
está oscuro |
rain |
lluvia |
... |
You will find the list here in the left column.
Tip: You can practice the expressions both to and from Spanish
A lot more audio in condicional
Now audio is available for a total of 50 Spanish verbs.
Learn the conjugations of the Spanish verbs by ear!
See the 50 verbs and hear examples
Excerpt from newsletter 09/28/2014
Today we are happy to inform you of the following news:
- New word list available: Living room.
- We have added audio for another 50 verbs in presente.
New word list
Living room
How do you say remote control in Spanish? Or bookcase?
The list holds 33 Spanish words - all with audio!
English |
Spanish |
armchair |
sillón (m), butaca |
cushion, pillow |
cojín (m) |
painting, picture |
cuadro, pintura |
chair |
silla |
table |
mesa |
... |
You will find the list here in the left column.
Tip: Adapt the list and learn a lot faster!
In order to be as efficient as possible we advise you not to practice with too many unfamiliar words at a time. Please start by adapting the list: - Log in
- Click on the word list living room
- Click on adapt
- Click on reset
- Check 5-10 words you would like to learn
- Click on save adaption at the bottom of the page
Then only the chosen words will be included when you run the list. You can later edit your settings by clicking on adapt again.
Audio for another 50 verbs in presente
We have added audio for another large group of verbs, bringing the total number of presente conjugations with audio up to 100.
Learn the conjugations of the verbs by ear!
See the 50 verbs and hear examples
Excerpt from newsletter 05/05/2014
Now we have even more Spanish verbs ready for you!
We have added another large group of frequently used Spanish verbs to the site, and you can now practice with 394 Spanish verbs in all conjugations.
Across conjugations
Try practicing more conjugations simultaneously with the function across conjugations. You will find the function under verbs, my study, my verbs.
You choose yourself which conjugations to include.
Everything is kept on one page to help you compare and remember the different conjugations.
Here is an example with ser in presente, imperfecto and condicional:
| presente | (yo)
(ellos/ellas) | soy
| | imperfecto | (yo)
(ellos/ellas) | era
| | condicional | (yo)
(ellos/ellas) | sería
You can also choose which persons to include.
Here is an example with yo, tú in many conjugations:
| presente | (yo) (tú) | estoy estás
| | pretérito perfecto | (yo) (tú) | he estado has estado
| | imperfecto | (yo) (tú) | estaba estabas
| | condicional | (yo) (tú) | estaría estarías
| | futuro | (yo) (tú) | estaré estarás
| | pretérito | (yo) (tú) | estuve estuviste
| | presente subj. | (yo) (tú) | esté estés
| | imperfecto conj. | (yo) (tú) | estuviera, estuviese estuvieras, estuvieses
The meaning of the Spanish verbs
Please remember that you can practice the meaning of the Spanish verbs using the word list verbs, that you will find under vocabulary, study.
Tip: Start by adapting the list to your own needs. (click on adapt)
Excerpt from newsletter 03/23/2014
Are you familiar with the Spanish reflexive verbs?
Start practicing today! :-)
Spanish reflexive verbs
We now have added 44 Spanish reflexive verbs to the site in all conjugations.
Ex. presente:
| casarse (to marry) | (yo)
(ellos/ellas) | me caso
te casas
se casa
nos casamos
os casáis
se casan
Ex. pretérito perfecto:
| (tú)
| te has enamorado
me he habituado
os habéis decidido
se han avergonzado
nos hemos comportado
se ha lamentado
Ex. imperativo:
| calmarse (calm down) | (tú)
(ellos/ellas) | cálmate
The meaning of the verbs
You can practice the meaning of the verbs separately: - Log in (here)
- Click on the menu vocabulary
- Click on the word list verbs in the left column
- Click on adapt
- Click on reset
- Select the verbs, you wish to practice
- Click on save adaption at the bottom
Excerpt from newsletter 01/16/2014
Today we launch two new tool that will enable you to learn and practice Spanish online!
Learn Spanish verb conjugations
Learn new Spanish words and expressions
Learn the conjugation of the Spanish verbs
Here you will practice the conjugations of your own choise. The tool is designed to help you practicing in a structured and effective way.
Over 200 Spanish verbs
- are now available in the following conjugations:
- presente
- imperfecto
- pretérito
- futuro
- condicional
- imperativo
- subj. presente
- subj. imperfecto
- subj. futuro
Start learning the conjugation of Spanish verbs!
Learn new Spanish words
This tool will help you memorize new Spanish words and expressions and increase your vocabulary quickly.
New fixed word lists available:
Days of the week
English |
Spanish |
friday |
viernes |
wednesday |
miércoles |
... |
English |
Spanish |
november |
noviembre |
january |
enero |
... |
English |
Spanish |
autumn |
otoño |
summer |
verano |
... |
English |
Spanish |
bathroom |
baño |
garden |
jardín (m) |
... |
English |
Spanish |
car |
coche (m) |
bicycle |
bicicleta |
... |
Your own word lists
Furthermore, you can create your own word lists adding exactly the word and expressions you wish to learn!
Start increasing your Spanish vocabulary!
Learn Spanish online
Spanish verb exercises
Learn Spanish pronouns
Learn Spanish direct object pronouns
Learn Spanish indirect object pronouns
Learn Spanish double object pronouns
The Spanish verb gustar
Spanish grammar exercises
Learn Spanish numbers
Spanish bingo
Exercises with the Spanish reflexive verbs
Spanish verb drills
Spanish future tense
Learn Spanish perfect tense
Spanish for beginners
Spanish vocab
Learn how to conjugate ser, estar, tener, hacer, poder, querer, ir
Spanish adjectives
The Spanish conjugations:
subjuntivo presente,
subjuntivo imperfecto,
estar + gerundio
Spanish language
Spanish learning app
Spanish learning site
basic Spanish
Spanish phrases