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The Spanish verb gustar is used to express that you like something in Spanish. However, the verb itself means to please and the Spanish sentence therefore differs from the English in terms of structure.
gustar = to please
Example: The sentence I like the music would in Spanish be me gusta la música - corresponding to the music pleases me.
The Spanish Study offers a tool allowing you to practice the use of the verb gustar with full user control of the level of difficulty of the exercises. See examples below.
Answer using gustar + dative pronoun
In this type of exercises you are asked to answer the question by inserting the correct form of gustar and the correct dative pronoun. Ex:
qué = what pensar = think objeto = object, thing en absoluto = not at all
*¿qué piensas del objeto?**no *en absoluto*no me gusta en absoluto*no me gusta en absoluto*objeto**********chepensi*qué = what pensar = think objeto = object, thing en absoluto = not at all ***
You can increase the level of difficulty by allowing both singular (gusta) and plural (gustan) forms of gustar:
*¿qué piensas de los suéteres?**no *tanto*no me gustan tanto*no me gustan tanto*suéter**********chepensi*qué = what pensar = think suéter = jersey, sweater tanto = a lot ***
*¿qué piensas de los cantantes?***mucho*me gustan mucho*me gustan mucho*cantante**********chepensi*qué = what pensar = think cantante = singer mucho = a lot ***
*adoro a las personas***las personas*me gustan las personas*me gustan las personas*persona**********medpron*adorar = worship, adore persona = person ***
*(Mia y Sofía) adoran la avenida***la avenida*les gusta la avenida*les gusta la avenida*avenida**********medpron*adorar = worship, adore avenida = avenue ***
*Tomás adora las lenguas***las lenguas*a Tomás le gustan las lenguas*a Tomás le gustan las lenguas*lengua**********udenpron*adorar = worship, adore lengua = language, tongue ***
*yo adoro las regiones***las regiones*a mí me gustan las regiones*a mí me gustan las regiones*región**********udenpron*adorar = worship, adore región = region, area ***
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