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Individual score

This setting only affects the word lists

On: Each word list has individual scores on each mode option:
1-2 (English-Spanish), 2-1 (Spanish-English) and audio 2-1
Off: There is only one score for each word list.
The score is shared by all mode options

When leaving this setting on, you can have the conjugation shown by clicking on the three lines

Hide translations

Turn this setting on to practise the meaning af the verbs and words used in the exercises while practising conjugations and grammar.

You can have the translation displayed and check your memory by clicking on the question mark or hitting the [arrow up] key.

Ex 1

Ex 2

Hide infinitive

Turn this setting on to hide the infinitive of the verb in exercises where recognition of the verb is part of the exercise.

You can have the infinitive displayed and check your memory by clicking on [verb] or hitting the [arrow up] key.

You can challenge your memory further by turning the setting hide translations on at the same time:

Allows the system to respond with a .
next button

With this setting turned on you proceed from one exercise to another by clicking the button next. We recommend this setting for at calmer screen dsiplay.
Please note: You can hit the enter key instead of clicking the button.

When the setting is turned off the exercises are displayed automatically one after another without a pause.
Report an error

Make use of this function to let us know about errors and misspellings.

Turning this setting off will remove the option.

Keep score

Best: 15 5 20 (75%)
Now: 5 2 20

Green: Number of correct answers
Red: Number of wrong answers
Black: Total number of exercises
Underline: When a number increases, it is underlined

The system counts like this:
  • Right answer
    - when the answer is correct
    - when the field is empty
  • Wrong answer
    - when the field contains a wrong answer

You can correct the numbers yourself
Click on the red and green numbers next to Now to make a correction.

Remember to save your score
When you have done your exercises, you are offered to save the score as the best score.
To keep the old best score you just do not save the new one.

Which exercises have score?
  • Word lists
  • Grammar exercises
  • Exercises under my verbs
You can turn keep score on and of under settings
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Getting started

Below you will find a quick walkthrough of the tools on this site. Please note that some of the features are only available when you are logged in.

There are two ways to approach the conjugation of the verbs:
  1. Choose one verb at a time
    Choose conjugation and verb under the tab Study. On PC/Mac: A translation will be visible, when you hover the mouse over the verbs.

  2. My verbs
    Under the tab My study you will find My verbs. Click on a conjugation and choose the verbs you would like to learn. The system will remember your settings and you can use this to practice in a much more systematic and efficient way. You can always edit your setting and add/remove verbs. The verbs are organised in categories: regular-verbs, irregular and reflexive verbs. Click on show all to have alle the verbs displayed. The menu listing offers you the possibility to have the verbs listed alphabetically or by frequency.

    Apart from the verb lists representing each conjugation you will also find these special lists:

    • across conjugations
      This list offers you the opportunity to practice with multiple conjugations at a time. You can also choose which persons you wish to practice.

    • question & answer
      When working with this list you will be challenged to (first) recognize the conjugation in a question presented to you and (second) answer the question using the same conjugation. You choose yourself which conjugations to include in the exercises.

    At the bottom you will find the function new verb list. This function allows you to create different lists of verbs (chosen by you) and then hold on to that group of verbs while alternating between the conjugations and persons. You can create as many lists as you like. Here are just a few ideas: A list holding you favorite reflexive verbs, another list holding the ten most frequent verbs, a third holding the modal verbs etc.

    Note: You can transfer verbs from one list to another (transfer).
Use this tool to learn new words. You can work with two kinds of word lists:
  1. Fixed word lists (under the tab Studio)
    Here you can practice the names of the weekdays, the numbers, time expressions, colours and many other things.
    Some of the lists are very long, so you will be asked to pick out the words you wish to practice when starting on a new list. You can always change your choises later (click on a list, then click adapt).

    The mode bar offers you different ways of practicing:

    • 1 - 2, 2 - 1
      These settings indicate whether you will be practicing from English to Spanish or vice versa.

    • audio 1 - 2, audio 2 - 1
      This setting will hide the writing and challenge you to recognize the Italian words only by ear.
      Sharpen your ears!

    • dictation 1, dictation 2
      Practice your Italian spelling by spelling what you hear!

    We recommend that you practice vocabulary in a random order, but when practicing with lists like weekdays, months or the lists holding numbers you might benefit from starting out by choosing original order.

  2. My word lists (under the tab My study)
    Click on new word list to create your own word list(s) where you can practice with words of your own choice.
    You can make lists on themes like food, adjectives, travel, or lists with words from your textbook, or...
    You can edit your lists easily and add new words.
Tips and tricks
  • During the process of practicing with a list you can add the words causing you trouble to a repetition list (click on '+' or hit the '+' key). This will allow you to run through the hard words separately once or twice again and make your work more efficient.
  • You can copy the fixed lists from Study to My study and then edit or expand them freely (click on the list, then click on copy)
  • Use the lists as small dictionaries (show alphabetically)
  • Print a copy and take it with you (show alphabetically, print)

In this section you can practice the Italian articles, the inflexions of the nouns and the adjectives as well as accusative, dative and double object pronouns.
You choose yourself the words you wish to practice with for each type of exercise. Begin with the regular words and then you can add different types of irregular words gradually. The system will then always generate exercises matching your level. The exercises come with a translation enabling you to practice with words that are not already familiar to you.
Tips and tricks
  • This section also has a repeat function (click on '+' or hit the '+' key).
  • For inspiration and advice on how to progress, please see this

The fun way to practice the numbers!
If you are a beginner, we recommend that you start out by practicing with the word list numbers as this allows you to work with intervals of your own choise. But as soon as you grow more familiar with them you can start playing. There are several ways you can control the game:
  • Play with 1-5 tickets
  • You can adjust the tempo at any time while playing
  • You can jump back to a previous number if needed
  • You can have your tickets validated continuously, or choose to have them validated only at bingo!

Some good advice:
  • Only practice with a few new verbs/words at a time. By focusing you will learn much faster.
  • Type your answers as long as you are insecure. Later you can practice in a faster way by leaving the fields empty and press Enter, then the system will give you the right answer.
  • Use the audio! Repeat the pronunciation to yourself (say it out loud). You will not only learn the pronunciation by doing this but it will also help you a great deal in remembering the words.
  • To practice frequently and continuously is one of the most important things, so try to find ten minutes in your daily routines where you make it a habit to log in and do you exercises.

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You can access The Spanish Study on smartphone and tablet (iOS/Android).
All you need to do is to open the browser on your device and go to www.thespanishstudy.com.
The system will automatically detect your device and direct you to the version (web app) matching your screen size.
There is nothing to download or install on your device.